Happy Weekend All! And Happy 2025 Everyone!! We have quite a few NEW items on our list today. We have started to make a more comprehensive listing of our Wholesale seeds. Please stay tuned as we decide how we will make that listing available. We are also adding 100 packets where seeds are available.
Shown in Photo: Gymnocalycium friedrichii LB2178
67.8- Astrophytum ornate (New for 100s)
70.5- Astrophytum capricorne x asterias hybrid F1 (New for 100s)
83.5- Copiapoa echinoides ‘bridgesii’ (100s and wholesale added)
83.78- Copiapoa cinerea ssp. columna-alba KK611 (10s and 20s)
84.2- Copiapoa coquimbana KK1 (NEW for 100s)
85.943- Copiapoa dealbata KK30 (10s)
191.293- Echinocereus coccineus (NEW)
323.1- Echinomastus erectocentrus (NEW)
416.95- Ferocactus acanthodes ‘cylindraceus’ (NEW) (pkts and 100s)
418.1- Ferocactus acanthodes ‘cylindraceus’ (NEW)
420.231- Ferocactus emoryi
464.12- Gymnocalycium friedrichii LB2178 (NEW)
548- Lophophora diffusa
549- Lophophora friction (Price Reduced and 20 seed packets added)
550.7- Lophophora diffusa SB537 (Very Limited)
1344.2- Argyroderma frames v minus HH4966
1345.3- Argyroderma testiculare
1346.27- Argyroderma Mix (pkts and 100s)
1351.22- Bergeranthus aff jamesii
1401.5- Cheiridopsis pillansii
1430.74- Conophytum bilobum ‘pole evansii’
1444.302- Conophytum pellucidum SH1956
1455- Conophytum bilobum ‘supremum’
1483.3- Dinteranthus wilmotianus
1500- Faucaria paucidens
1514.62- Gibbaeum pilosulum
1516- Gibbaeum velutinum
1526.6- Gibbaeum nebrownii ‘Imitaria muirii’ PB1268
1563.2- Lithops comptomii C377
1563.5- Lithops comptonii v weberi C126
1566.5- Lithops dinteri ssp frederici
1590- Lithops fulviceps C266
1616.3- Lithops hookeri var. dabneri C13
1892.49- Agave macroacantha (NEW)
1892.63- Agave meglalodonta (NEW)
1901- Agave utahensis v kaibabensis SB947 (NEW)
1901.56- Agave victoriae-reginae (NEW)
1901.64- Agave oteroi (NEW)