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Seed Update 1/18/2025- Arctic Front is Coming!!

Happy Weekend All! This winter will be the record for most teen temp nights that we have had in our 8 years here. We are about to get hit with an “Arctic Blast” starting today and it will return to normal hopefully in a week. We have filled more small propane tanks and lit more back up heaters in the last week and will in the week to come, than we ever have!!??! We hope you are all staying warm and we look forward to Spring with great fervor!!

Shown in Photo: Ferocactus gracilis ssp. coloratus 

6.27- Acanthocalycium violaceum DJF367 

28.9- Ariocarpus fissuratus ‘intermedius’

34- Ariocarpus retusus SB68 (100s)

70.1- Astrophytum hybrid mix (pkts and 100s)

70.65- Astrophytum X MYR OR SB126 x SB127 F2

80.25- Cleistocactus jujuyensis

83.3- Copiapoa ahremephiana KK1395

83.52- Copiapoa echinoides ‘bridgesii’ FK131-79

84.26- Copiapoa echinoides ‘cupreata’ FK490-77 

85.704- Copiapoa cinerea ssp. krainziana

85.71- Copiapoa calderana ‘lembckei’ KK70 (pkts and 100s)

85.718- Copiapoa megarhiza PV2424

85.86- Copiapoa montana FR522

85.883- Copiapoa coquimbana ‘pepiniana’   

85.8892- Copiapoa cinerascens KK613

86- Copiapoa mix (100s)

87.49- Coryphantha calipensis

112- Coryphantha macromeris SB841

130- Coryphantha macromeris ssp. runyonii  SB855

136- Coryphantha sulcata SB486 (pkts and 100s)

170.63- Echinocactus horizonthalonius

180.4- Echinocereus adustus v schwarzii L1305 

191.212- Echinocereus coccineus SB345

191.42- Echinocereus dasyacanthus SB242 (100s)

208.37- Echinocereus fendleri v kuenzleri DJF714.26

208.5- Echinocereus fendleri v kuenzleri SB1034

224.6- Echinocereus pamanesiorum L1247

250.755- Echinocereus rigidissimus AG60

250.79- Echinocereus rigidissimus v rubispinus L088 

277.69- Echinocereus mojavensis ‘triglochidiatus’ f. inermis RP90

422.4- Ferocactus gracilis ssp. coloratus (NEW)

1147.85- Pediocactus despainii SB1014

1148- Pediocactus knowltonii SB304

Ferocactus cylindraceus cactus shown in pot

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Seed Update for 1/11/2025

Happy Weekend All! We are praying for our California Friends as you face great difficulty in your state! Our hearts are broken as we watch footage of all that is going on there. 

Shown in Photo: Lithops verruculosa Rose of Texas

1361.7- Cerochlamys pachyphylla (NEW) (pkts and 100s)

1616.54- Lithops hookeri v marginata C137 (pkts and 100s)

1621.018- Lithops julii ssp fulleri

1621.29- Lithops julii ssp fulleri NZ734

1621.6- Lithops julii v rouxii SB2149 (100s)

1622- Lithops julii ‘fuscous’ 

1686.14- Lithops otzeniana SH531 (100s)

1731- Lithops schwantesii v urikosensis C105

1731.76- Lithops terricolor ‘peersii’ C339

1757.2- Lithops verruculosa Rose of Texas

1757.5- Lithops verruculosa C178  (pkts and 100s)

1774.3- Lithops Mix (pkts and 100s)

1780.5- Monilaria moniliformis SB1207 (100s)

1870- Titanopsis calcarea

1870.061- Titanopsis calcarea

1870.125- Titanopsis calcarea

1872.4- Titanopsis hugo-schlechteri v alboviridis SB1343

1877.05- Titanopsis aff primosii

1878.5- Titanopsis schwantesii SB2156

1901.64- Agave oteroi

1942.75- Fouquieria splendens

1960.021- Manfreda virginica (pkts and 100s)

2980.11- Tylecodon paniculatus (Pkts and 100s)

7001- Anacampseros lanceolata ISI 1550 (pkts and 100s)

7039.5- Anacampseros lanceolata (100s)

Lithops verruculosa mesemb shown flowering

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1st Seed Update for 2025!!

Happy Weekend All! And Happy 2025 Everyone!! We have quite a few NEW items on our list today. We have started to make a more comprehensive listing of our Wholesale seeds. Please stay tuned as we decide how we will make that listing available. We are also adding 100 packets where seeds are available. 

Shown in Photo: Gymnocalycium friedrichii LB2178

67.8- Astrophytum ornate (New for 100s)

70.5- Astrophytum  capricorne x asterias hybrid F1 (New for 100s)

83.5- Copiapoa echinoides ‘bridgesii’  (100s and wholesale added)

83.78- Copiapoa cinerea  ssp. columna-alba  KK611 (10s and 20s)

84.2- Copiapoa coquimbana KK1 (NEW for 100s)

85.943- Copiapoa dealbata KK30 (10s)

191.293- Echinocereus coccineus (NEW)

323.1- Echinomastus erectocentrus (NEW)

416.95- Ferocactus acanthodes ‘cylindraceus’ (NEW) (pkts and 100s)

418.1- Ferocactus acanthodes ‘cylindraceus’ (NEW)

420.231- Ferocactus emoryi

464.12- Gymnocalycium friedrichii LB2178 (NEW)

548- Lophophora diffusa 

549- Lophophora friction (Price Reduced and 20 seed packets added)

550.7- Lophophora diffusa SB537 (Very Limited)

1344.2- Argyroderma frames v minus HH4966

1345.3- Argyroderma testiculare

1346.27- Argyroderma Mix (pkts and 100s)

1351.22- Bergeranthus aff jamesii

1401.5- Cheiridopsis pillansii

1430.74- Conophytum bilobum ‘pole evansii’ 

1444.302- Conophytum pellucidum SH1956

1455- Conophytum bilobum ‘supremum’

1483.3- Dinteranthus wilmotianus

1500- Faucaria paucidens

1514.62- Gibbaeum pilosulum

1516- Gibbaeum velutinum

1526.6- Gibbaeum nebrownii  ‘Imitaria muirii’ PB1268

1563.2- Lithops comptomii C377

1563.5- Lithops comptonii v weberi C126

1566.5- Lithops dinteri ssp frederici 

1590- Lithops fulviceps C266

1616.3- Lithops hookeri var. dabneri C13

1892.49- Agave macroacantha (NEW)

1892.63- Agave meglalodonta (NEW)

1901- Agave utahensis v kaibabensis SB947 (NEW)

1901.56- Agave victoriae-reginae (NEW)

1901.64- Agave oteroi (NEW)

Lb2178 464.12
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Final Seed Update for 2024!!

Happy Weekend All! Hard to believe this will be our last seed update for 2024?!!?!  Our Final list this year is a Large list!! We wish for you and yours a wonderful and prosperous 2025!!

Shown in Photo: 970.605- Matucana madisoniorum

535.785- Lobivia ferox DJF444

535.9- Lobivia ferox v longispina R673 

544.502- Lobivia pygmaea KK974

546.44- Lobivia thionantha v munita 

551.8- Loxanthocereus sextonianus

551.9298- Maihueniopsis glomerata

575- Mammillaria bocasana SB524

590- Mammillaria candida SB466

624.81- Mammillaria dixanthocentron FO 230

633- Mammillaria egregia SB30

688.73- Mammillaria heyderi JRT4181

705.3- Mammillaria hutchisoniana SB1250 

728.2- Mammillaria lenta SB1060 

743.3- Mammillaria magallanii SB1017

747- Mammillaria magnimamma SB9

749- Mammillaria magnimamma 

849.2- Mammillaria polythele TL422

868- Mammillaria ritteriana (pkts and 100s)

872- Mammillaria roseo alba SB285

909.7- Mammillaria sphacelata SB1277

968.115- Mammillaria mix

970.605- Matucana madisoniorum (pkts and 100s)

970.93- Matucana paucicostata `senilis’ KK754

1030.79- Neoporteria curvispina v heinrichianus (pkts and 100s)

1037.323- Neoporteria reichei f aerocarpa FR500 (pkts and 100s)

1037.327- Neoporteria reichei 

1037.53- Neoporteria subgibbosa f. litoralis 

1039.25- Eriosyce ‘Neoporteria’ wagenknechtii v napina KK178

1039.4- Eriosyce ‘Neoporteria’ taltalensis

1086.31- Obregonia denegrii

1170.8- Pediocactus simpsonii  robustior (NEW)   

1175- Peniocereus greggii v transmontanus SNL1 (pkts and 100s)

1183.7- Pyrrhocactus bulbocalyx

1186- Pyrrhocactus megliolli

1187.867- Pyrrhocactus mix (100s)

1190- Rebutia cajasensis FR1141

1219.66- Sclerocactus cloveriae RP186

1220.702- Sclerocactus parviflorus RP22

1220.7022- Sclerocactus parviflorus RP37

1220.706- Sclerocactus parviflorus, RP187

1244.86- Stenocereus thurberi (Pkts, 100s, 500)

1247- Strombocactus disciformis SB174 (Pkts and 100s)

1259.2- Thelocactus bicolor (100s)

1270- Thelocactus hexaedrophorus SB291

1277.4- Thelocactus rinconensis v nidulans (100s)

1280.4- Sclerocactus ‘Toumeya’ papyracantha  RP91 (100s)

1280.6- Sclerocactus ‘Toumeya’ papyracantha RP119

1286.5- Turbinicarpus jauernigii (100s)

1316- Aloinopsis schooneesii (100s)

1319.32- Antegibbaeum fissoides (pkts and 100s)

1332.7- Argyroderma fissum (pkts and 100s)

1349.02- Astridia velutina (NEW)

1960.021- Manfreda virginica (pkts and 100s)

2420.5- Echeveria gigantea (NEW)

Matucana madisoniorum cactus shown in pot

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Christmas Week Seed Update!! (12/21/2024)

Happy Weekend All!! As we head into the week of Christmas we are incredibly grateful to our Mesa Garden Family that supports us in our work here!! We could not do what we do without ALL of you!! As we are coming to the end of the year we are filing more harvest from the greenhouses and going through all of our seeds. We found a few NEW gems this week. This year was a big flowering year for our Gymnocalycium and this list shows it!!

Shown in Photo: Copiapoa cinerea KK1434

83.7- Copiapoa cinerea ssp. coulmna-alba  KK624

83.8- Copiapoa cinerea KK1434 

381.3- Escobaria hesteri SB430 (100s)

416.72- Ferocactus chrysacanthus L010 (Pkts and 100s)

422.6- Ferocactus gracilis `coloratus TL’ SB1240 

423- Ferocactus hamatacanthus GL150 (100s)

432- Ferocactus wislizenii SB50

433.7- Ferocactus Hybrid: pilosus x glaucescens

442.42- Glandulicactus mathssoni (100s)

442.723- Glandulicactus mathssoni

442.752- Glandulicactus uncinatus SB1482 

453.75- Turbinicarpus viereckii v major

457.6- Gymnocalycium brachypetalum P101

460.5- Gymnocalycium castellanosii

461.3- Gymnocalycium curvispinum

464.084- Gymnocalycium ferrari STO48 (NEW)

469.87- Gymnocalycium mazanense v polycephalum P223

476.42- Gymnocalycium multiflorum v parisiense

476.62- Gymnocalycium occultum P131 

479.551- Gymnocalycium pflanzii var. albipulpa cv inermis

489- Gymnocalycium spegazzini (NEW)

489.07- Gymnocalycium spegazzini STO746 (NEW)

489.25- Gymnocalycium spegazzini

489.34- Gymnocalycium spegazzini VS120

490- Gymnocalycium stellatum

490.02- Gymnocalycium stellatum P76

490.37- Gymnocalycium taningaense P212

509.5- Harrisia fragrans 

731.6- Mammillaria standleyi ‘sinforosensis’ TL495 (NEW)

970.93- Matucana paucicostata `senilis’ KK754 (NEW)


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Phytosanitary Certificates

We have had a change of events with the US department of Agriculture. At this time ALL cactus plants are on the CITES 2 listing. BUT at this time, we are in holding to ship any cactus seeds out of the US until they decide what kind of paperwork we need. It is all much more complicated than this but in simplest terms, after 6 years of working with them, they just realized that they were not doing all of the paperwork correctly.

They have given us a task to complete to resume shipping cactus seeds on a Phytosanitary but this take will take us years to complete. Also they have requested that we use CITES 1 paperwork in addition to many Phytosanitary’s which will dramatically increase the cost for everyone all around. In short it has become difficult and there are no easy answers.

So what can we do currently? We can ship most Succulent/Mesemb seeds on a Phytosanitary. I will post a list below of what we cannot include on a Phytosanitary. All other seeds not listed here to the best of our current knowledge, we can include. If you order and something comes up that we cannot include, we will remove it and send you a refund for those items.

What we CANNOT include on a phytosanitary:

  • ALL Cactus
  • Agave
  • Aloe
  • Pelargonium
  • Fouquieria
  • Euphorbia
  • Dioscorea
  • Tylecodon
  • Othonna
  • Pachypodium
  • Conophytum
  • Yucca
  • Nolina
  • Avonia
  • Anacampseros

Please email us if you have any questions and we will try to answer them to the best of our ability.

Aaron and Tarah Morerod

Mesa Garden

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Seed Update 12/14/2024!

Happy Weekend All!! We are full swing into the Christmas season here!! We have had low temps here down to 15 F. But the plants are safe and cozy for the winter. We hope you are well!!

Shown in Photo:

83.694- Copiapoa cinerea KK77

83.7- Copiapoa cinerea ssp. coulmna-alba  KK624 

84.42- Copiapoa echinata FK57

84.43- Copiapoa atacamensis KK94 

84.805- Copiapoa serpentisulcata (10s and 20s)

84.84- Copiapoa haseltoniana ex Rudolf Shulz

84.85- Copiapoa haseltoniana KK69

84.86- Copiapoa haseltoniana, FK33-77

85.8831- Copiapoa coquimbana ‘pepiniana’ KK618,

171.3- Echinocactus izonthalonius SNL94 

180.4- Echinocereus adustus v schwarzii L1305 (100s)

206.91- Echinocereus fendleri DJF883.4  (100s)

211- Echinocereus fasciculatus SB162

221.4- Echinocereus coccineus x dasycanthus ‘lloydii’

250.7- Echinocereus reichenbachii v perbellus (100s)

254- Echinocereus russanthus SB420

256.5- Echinocereus scheeri v gentryi 

277.8- Echinocereus mojavensis ‘triglochidiatus’ SB1466

297.9- Stenocactus coptonogonus 

298.52- Stenocactus crispatus 

299.16- Stenocactus phyllacanthus var. violaciflorus SB438 (100s)

299.3- Stenocactus crispatus ‘lamellosus’

322.2- Stenocactus mix (100s)

337- Echinomastus laui

339- Echinomastus laui SB525

340- Echinomastus mariposensis

346.9- Echinopsis leucantha (pkts and 100s)

347.78- Echinopsis melanopotamica

348- Echinopsis mirabilis 

350- Echinopsis shaferi (100s)

359.2- Epithelantha micromeris SB1327

523- Leuchtenbergia principis (Pkts and 100s) (NEW)

1297.15- Turbinicarpus schmiedickeanus ssp gracilis 

1297.2- Turbinicarpus schmiedickeanus ssp gracilis SB273 (NEW)

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1st December update for 2024!!

Happy Weekend All!! Here is our seed update for the first weekend of December!! December came in with a kaboom that started with Tarah taking a trip to the ER!! But all is on the mend and we are happy to present this weeks update!

Shown in Photo:  Conophytum smorenskaduense ssp hermarium 

3.6- Acanthocalycium aff spiniflorum

6.5- Ancistrocactus brevihamatus (100s)

8.9- Ancistrocactus scheeri

28.5- Ariocarpus fissuratus x bravoanus

36.5- Ariocarpus retusus SB335

52- Astrophytum capricorne SB331

69- Astrophytum capricorne ssp. senile (100s)

83.3- Copiapoa ahremephiana KK1395

83.4- Copiapoa atacamensis KK1437 

83.52- Copiapoa echinoides ‘bridgesii’ FK131-79

83.69- Copiapoa cinerea

84.273- Copiapoa dealbata KK1438

84.277- Copiapoa cinerascens

84.4- Copiapoa echinoides var. dura KK607

85.704- Copiapoa cinerea ssp. krainziana 

85.71- Copiapoa calderana ‘lembckei’ KK70 

87.54- Coryphantha calipensis FO 195

117.82- Coryphantha poselgeriana var. valida,

164.5- Coryphantha mix

166.425- Denmoza rhodacantha

176- Echinocactus parryi SB59 (pkts and 100s)

177.137- Echinocactus texensis (pkts and 100s)

1437.56- Conophytum obscurum SB2367

1450.35- Conophytum ricardianum SB2173 (NEW)

1450.4- Conophytum smorenskaduense ssp hermarium (NEW)

1452.35- Conophytum smorenskaduense SB633 (NEW)

Conophytum smorenskaduense mesemb shown in pot

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Seed Update 11/30/2024

Happy Weekend All!! Here is our seed update for this week! Unbelievable that we are heading into the final month of 2024?!?! Lots of Ariocarpus and Copiapoa on the list today!!

Shown in Photo:  Agave parryi

33.82- Ariocarpus retusus B

33.86- Ariocarpus retusus F

34- Aricarpus retusus SB68

36.9- Ariocarpus retusus ‘furfuraceus’

38- Ariocarpus retusus ‘furfuraceus’

40- Ariocarpus trigonus

42.5- Ariocarpus trigonus

43.2- Ariocarpus trigonus

52.8- Astrophytum capricorne v crassispinoides

55.5- Astrophytum capricorne v niveum (100s)

67.8 Astrophytum ornatum

71.52- Austrocactus patagonicus

75.9- Carnegiea gigantea ‘saguaro’ (Pkts and 100s)

81- Cleistocactus smaragdiflorus (Pkts and 100s)

82.1- Cleistocactus tarijensis (Pkts and 100s)

82.851- Copiapoa aurata

83.68- Copiapoa calderana  KK176

84.83- Copiapoa haseltoniana

85.7181- Copiapoa fiedleriana var. echinata

85.8832- Copiapoa coquimbana ‘pepiniana’

85.89- Copiapoa tenuissima (100s)

85.95- Copiapoa longistaminea ‘tigrillensis’ 

86- Copiapoa mix (pkts and 100s)

1468.85- Conophytum calculus

1472.2- Conophytum minimum ‘wittebergense’ 

1897.57- Agave parryi (NEW)

shown in pot

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Conophytum Plant Sales For 2024 Starts Today (and seed update)

Happy Weekend All!! Here is our seed update for this week! We are also uploading Conophytum plants today! Overnight we went switched from  80 degree day time temps to 50’s and now and we are now experiencing freezing temps at night! Winter here we come!!

Shown in Photo:  Conophytum bilobum ‘supremum’

28.6- Ariocarpus fissuratus v hintonii, 

32- Ariocarpus kotschoubeyanus v macdowellii (NEW)

33.95- Ariocarpus retusus

55.2- Astrophytum capricorne v minor (100s)

56- Astrophytum myriostigma ‘coahuilense’

70.1- Astrophytum hybrid mix

83.694- Copiapoa cinerea KK77 

85.889- Copiapoa longistaminea

109.2- Coryphantha longicornis

117.8- Coryphantha poselgeriana

191.32- Echinocereus dasyacanthus DJF1357 (NEW)

250.808- Echinocereus coccineus dasyacanthus (NEW)

299.14- Stenocactus phyllacanthus cv Grandicornus

1410.35- Conophytum bilobum ‘aequale’ 

1410.9525- Conophytum bilobum SH670 

1410.9528- Conphytum bilobum LAV8846

1410.9561- Conophytum bilobum RR1157 

1410.965- Conphytum bilobum SB2224 (NEW)

1410.966- Conophytum bilobum SB2290

1414- Conophytum bilobum ‘christiansenianum’

1414.51- Conophytum concavum LAV22112 (NEW)

1414.512- Conophytum concavum

1418.42- Conophytum  bilobum var. elishae LAV 27947 (NEW)

1418.91- Conophytum  bilobum var. elishae SH585

1419.2- Conphytum  bilobum var. elishae SB1334

1422- Conophytum frutescens SB2151

1425- Conophytum bilobum ssp gracilistylum SB784 (NEW)

1427.3- Conophytum bilobum ‘lavisianum’

1433- Conophytum minutum 

1436- Conophytum obcordellum

1437.6- Conophytum bilobum ‘vlakmynense’

1455- Conophytum bilobum ‘supremum’ (NEW)

1468.87- Conophytum calculus ssp. vanzylii  SB1545 (NEW)

1469- Conophytum  bilobum ‘variabile’ (NEW)