Happy Weekend All! We are praying for our California Friends as you face great difficulty in your state! Our hearts are broken as we watch footage of all that is going on there.
Shown in Photo: Lithops verruculosa Rose of Texas
1361.7- Cerochlamys pachyphylla (NEW) (pkts and 100s)
1616.54- Lithops hookeri v marginata C137 (pkts and 100s)
1621.018- Lithops julii ssp fulleri
1621.29- Lithops julii ssp fulleri NZ734
1621.6- Lithops julii v rouxii SB2149 (100s)
1622- Lithops julii ‘fuscous’
1686.14- Lithops otzeniana SH531 (100s)
1731- Lithops schwantesii v urikosensis C105
1731.76- Lithops terricolor ‘peersii’ C339
1757.2- Lithops verruculosa Rose of Texas
1757.5- Lithops verruculosa C178 (pkts and 100s)
1774.3- Lithops Mix (pkts and 100s)
1780.5- Monilaria moniliformis SB1207 (100s)
1870- Titanopsis calcarea
1870.061- Titanopsis calcarea
1870.125- Titanopsis calcarea
1872.4- Titanopsis hugo-schlechteri v alboviridis SB1343
1877.05- Titanopsis aff primosii
1878.5- Titanopsis schwantesii SB2156
1901.64- Agave oteroi
1942.75- Fouquieria splendens
1960.021- Manfreda virginica (pkts and 100s)
2980.11- Tylecodon paniculatus (Pkts and 100s)
7001- Anacampseros lanceolata ISI 1550 (pkts and 100s)
7039.5- Anacampseros lanceolata (100s)