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Christmas Week Seed Update!! (12/21/2024)

Happy Weekend All!! As we head into the week of Christmas we are incredibly grateful to our Mesa Garden Family that supports us in our work here!! We could not do what we do without ALL of you!! As we are coming to the end of the year we are filing more harvest from the greenhouses and going through all of our seeds. We found a few NEW gems this week. This year was a big flowering year for our Gymnocalycium and this list shows it!!

Shown in Photo: Copiapoa cinerea KK1434

83.7- Copiapoa cinerea ssp. coulmna-alba  KK624

83.8- Copiapoa cinerea KK1434 

381.3- Escobaria hesteri SB430 (100s)

416.72- Ferocactus chrysacanthus L010 (Pkts and 100s)

422.6- Ferocactus gracilis `coloratus TL’ SB1240 

423- Ferocactus hamatacanthus GL150 (100s)

432- Ferocactus wislizenii SB50

433.7- Ferocactus Hybrid: pilosus x glaucescens

442.42- Glandulicactus mathssoni (100s)

442.723- Glandulicactus mathssoni

442.752- Glandulicactus uncinatus SB1482 

453.75- Turbinicarpus viereckii v major

457.6- Gymnocalycium brachypetalum P101

460.5- Gymnocalycium castellanosii

461.3- Gymnocalycium curvispinum

464.084- Gymnocalycium ferrari STO48 (NEW)

469.87- Gymnocalycium mazanense v polycephalum P223

476.42- Gymnocalycium multiflorum v parisiense

476.62- Gymnocalycium occultum P131 

479.551- Gymnocalycium pflanzii var. albipulpa cv inermis

489- Gymnocalycium spegazzini (NEW)

489.07- Gymnocalycium spegazzini STO746 (NEW)

489.25- Gymnocalycium spegazzini

489.34- Gymnocalycium spegazzini VS120

490- Gymnocalycium stellatum

490.02- Gymnocalycium stellatum P76

490.37- Gymnocalycium taningaense P212

509.5- Harrisia fragrans 

731.6- Mammillaria standleyi ‘sinforosensis’ TL495 (NEW)

970.93- Matucana paucicostata `senilis’ KK754 (NEW)