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Conophytum Plant Sales For 2024 Starts Today (and seed update)

Happy Weekend All!! Here is our seed update for this week! We are also uploading Conophytum plants today! Overnight we went switched from  80 degree day time temps to 50’s and now and we are now experiencing freezing temps at night! Winter here we come!!

Shown in Photo:  Conophytum bilobum ‘supremum’

28.6- Ariocarpus fissuratus v hintonii, 

32- Ariocarpus kotschoubeyanus v macdowellii (NEW)

33.95- Ariocarpus retusus

55.2- Astrophytum capricorne v minor (100s)

56- Astrophytum myriostigma ‘coahuilense’

70.1- Astrophytum hybrid mix

83.694- Copiapoa cinerea KK77 

85.889- Copiapoa longistaminea

109.2- Coryphantha longicornis

117.8- Coryphantha poselgeriana

191.32- Echinocereus dasyacanthus DJF1357 (NEW)

250.808- Echinocereus coccineus dasyacanthus (NEW)

299.14- Stenocactus phyllacanthus cv Grandicornus

1410.35- Conophytum bilobum ‘aequale’ 

1410.9525- Conophytum bilobum SH670 

1410.9528- Conphytum bilobum LAV8846

1410.9561- Conophytum bilobum RR1157 

1410.965- Conphytum bilobum SB2224 (NEW)

1410.966- Conophytum bilobum SB2290

1414- Conophytum bilobum ‘christiansenianum’

1414.51- Conophytum concavum LAV22112 (NEW)

1414.512- Conophytum concavum

1418.42- Conophytum  bilobum var. elishae LAV 27947 (NEW)

1418.91- Conophytum  bilobum var. elishae SH585

1419.2- Conphytum  bilobum var. elishae SB1334

1422- Conophytum frutescens SB2151

1425- Conophytum bilobum ssp gracilistylum SB784 (NEW)

1427.3- Conophytum bilobum ‘lavisianum’

1433- Conophytum minutum 

1436- Conophytum obcordellum

1437.6- Conophytum bilobum ‘vlakmynense’

1455- Conophytum bilobum ‘supremum’ (NEW)

1468.87- Conophytum calculus ssp. vanzylii  SB1545 (NEW)

1469- Conophytum  bilobum ‘variabile’ (NEW)