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Happy Summer!! Seed update 6/29/2024

Happy Weekend All!! Here is our seed update for this week. We hope you are doing well. We thank you for your continued support of our Nursery!! We truly appreciate your kindness and support!

 Shown in Photo: Copiapoa serpentisulcata

26- Ariocarpus fissuratus (NEW)

26.8- Ariocarpus fissuratus JM122 

28.93- Ariocarpus fissuratus ‘intermedius’ 

29.4- Ariocarpus fissuratus v lloydii 

34- Ariocarpus retusus SB68 

49- Astrophytum capricorno (100s)

55.5- Astrophytum capricorne v niveum (100s)

63- Astrophytum myriostigma v strongylogonum SB126 

67- Astrophytum ornatum

83.57- Copiapoa calderana (100s)

83.69- Copiapoa cinerea

83.82- Copiapoa cinerea var. minicarpa KK1734

84.8- Copiapoa haseltoniana ‘gigantea’ KK614

84.805- Copiapoa serpentisulcata

85.873- Copiapoa montana ‘olivana’ L816

206.86- Echinocereus fendleri fendleri, ABM013 (NEW)

337- Echinomastus laui

339- Echinomastus laui SB525 (NEW)

354- Epithelantha micromeris SB56 (NEW)

490.27- Gymnocalycium striglianum

1033.3- Neoporteria napina v mitis f. glabrescens 

1086.31- Obregonia denegrii

1254- Thelocactus bicolor SB278

1269.5- Thelocactus hexaedrophorus

1283.4363- Trichocereus lobivioides cv Flying Saucer

1290.3- Turbinicarpus lophophoroides SB1276 

1410.964- Conophytum bilobum SB2223

1428.5- Conophytum bilobum var. linearilucidum 

1446.33- Conophytum bilobum ‘piriforme’ SB1107

1478.1- Didymaotus lapidiformis

1484.01- Diplosoma retroversum (100s)

1550.53- Lithops aucampiae v. aucampiae Betty’s Beryl C389

Copiapoa goldii cactus shown in pot

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Copiapoa and Ariocarpus Day!! (Seed Update 6/22/2024)

Happy Weekend All!! Here is our seed update for this week. Its a Big Copiapoa Week!! Lots of flowers still going and lots of harvesting going on now!!

 Shown in Photo: Copiapoa tenuissima

6.34- Acanthocalycium sp. (Pkts and 100s)

24.33- Arequipa hempeliana (Pkts and 100s)

28.7- Ariocarpus fissuratus v hintonii SB1568

30- Ariocarpus kotschoubeyanus

36.5- Ariocarpus retusus SB335

36.9- Ariocarpus retusus ‘furfuraceus’

67.8- Astrophytum ornate (NEW)

59- Astrophytum myriostigma SB264 

83.52- Copiapoa echinoides ‘bridgesii’ FK131-79

83.68- Copiapoa calderana  KK176 

83.78- Copiapoa cinerea ssp. columna-alba  KK611 

83.783- Copiapoa cinerea ssp. columna-alb (NEW)

84.43- Copiapoa atacamensis KK94 

84.68- Copiapoa haseltoniana ‘gigantea’

84.805- Copiapoa serpentisulcata 

85.7032- Copiapoa fiedleriana ‘intermedia’  KK726

85.71- Copiapoa calderana ‘lembckei’ KK70 

85.7181- Copiapoa fiedleriana var. echinata FK48

85.8832- Copiapoa coquimbana ‘pepiniana’

85.8892- Copiapoa cinerascens KK613

85.89- Copiapoa tenuissima

85.99- Copiapoa esmeraldana UN672A

349.2- Echinopsis obrepanda (Pkts and 100s) (NEW)

434.135- Frailea aureispina (NEW)

1147.64- Parodia mix (100s)

1183- Pyrrhocactus strausianus 

1244.86- Stenocereus thurberi

1262.9- Thelocactus conothele

1363- Chasmatophyllum braunsii

1366.58- Cheiridopsis caroli-schmidtii


Copiapoa tenuissima cactus shown flowering

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Ariocarpus in Full Swing!! (Seed update 6/15/2024)

Happy Weekend All!! Here is our seed update for this week. We continue this week with high temps and now hurricane winds!!?!  This week and in the weeks to follow there will be a lot of Ariocarpus seed added to stock!! The Copiapo are in full flower and there are more seeds coming of this genus as well. We appreciate your encouragement and support of our nursery!!

Shown in Photo: NEW Ariocarpus Hybrid -Ariocarpus retusus X scapharostrus 

28.5- Ariocarpus fissuratus x bravoanus

28.6- Ariocarpus fissuratus v hintonii

28.9- Ariocarpus fissuratus ‘intermedius’

33.8- Ariocarpus retusus

38.2- Ariocarpus retusus ‘furfuraceus’ CH206 

38.7- Ariocarpus retusus X scapharostrus (NEW Hybrid)

54- Astrophytum capricorne v minor

55.5- Astrophytum capricorne v niveum

83.8- Copiapoa cinerea KK1434

84.8105- Copiapoa dura KK196

85.704- Copiapoa krainziana

85.713- Copiapoa calderana ‘lembckei v. magnifica’  KK1393 (pkts and 100s)

85.943- Copiapoa dealbata kk30

256.7- Echinocereus schmollii

309.36- Stenocactus ochoterenanus ‘heteracanthus’

324.81- Echinomastus dasyacanthus (NEW)

355- Epithelantha micromeris SB63 

358- Epithelantha micromeris SB256 (NEW)

359.2- Epithelantha micromeris SB1327

363.8- Epithelantha micromeris L749 (NEW)

443- Turbinicarpus beguinii (NEW)

495.905- Gymnocalycium schickendantzii DJF172 (NEW)

549- Lophophora fricii

717- Mammillaria lasiacantha SB64 (NEW for seeds)

718- Mammillaria lasiacantha SB233

720- Mammillaria lasiacantha SB414 (NEW- Very Limited)

822.7- Mammillaria pachycylindrica

970.26- Matucana haynei `villarica’ KK580 (NEW)

1269- Thelocactus hexaedrophorus

shown flowering

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New Agaves in the Mix!! (6/8/2024)

Happy Weekend All!! Here is our seed update for this week. We have hit 100 degree temps here already in early June!!??!! We will see what the summer holds. We continue with pollination and harvesting. Once again this week many items on the list have not been sold for several months or since last year. And we have some New Items as well!

Shown in Photo: Epithelantha micromeris ssp. greggii SB1112 

11- Ancistrocactus scheeri SB360

31.8- Ariocarpus kotschoubeyanus v macdowellii

33- Ariocarpus kotschoubeyanus v macdowellii SB283 (NEW)

49- Astrophytum capricorne

55.6- Astrophytum capricorne v capricorne SB1158 

55.7- Astrophytum capricorne v niveum SB1948

70.5- Astrophytum  capricorne x asterias HYBRID F1  

83.7- Copiapoa cinerea ssp. coulmna-alba  KK624

83.78- Copiapoa cinerea ssp. columna-alba  KK611   

253- Echinocereus russanthus ‘weedenii’ 

288.7- Echinocereus viridiflorus SB2364

297.9- Stenocactus coptonogonus (NEW)

309.43- Stenocactus multicostatus “supermulti”

353- Epithelantha micromeris

353.6- Epithelantha micromeris JM119

365- Epithelantha micromeris ssp. greggii SB321

367.2- Epithelantha micromeris ssp. greggii SB1112

373.4- Escobaria chaffeyi SB1440 (100s)

380.5- Escobaria duncanii SB1336 (Pkts and 100s)

548.2- Lophophora diffusa KKR455

549- Lophophora fricii (Very Limited)

1802.4- Conophytum praesectum

1872.2- Titanopsis hugo-schlechteri SB1342

1888.364- Agave chrysantha (Pkts and 100s)

1896.84- Agave parry (Pkts and 100s) (NEW)

1896.87- Agave parry (NEW)

1896.96- Agave parry (NEW)

1897.21- Agave parryi var couesii, RAR90 (NEW)

Epithelantha greggii cactus shown in pot

Epithelantha greggii cactus shown flowering

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Plant List Updated for Spring/Summer 2024

Hello All!! We have done our first Plant update for the 2024 Spring/Summer season.

We will continue to add more plants in the weeks and months to come. Those will be updated like our see updates.

You can find the current available plants under the plants tab on the main page of the website.

Plants sizes vary but most will be happy to be in a 3 inch pot but some larger older plants will require a 4-5 inch pot. Smaller varieties (eg. Copiapoa laui) will be happy to be in a 2.5 inch pot.

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Seed Update Tomorrow

Just a heads up, our seed update will not happen in the AM tomorrow it will happen in the afternoon between 1-2 pm MST. We have something going on in the AM that will prevent us from posting in a timely fashion, thus we decided to move it to the afternoon.

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Seed Update for 2/17/2024

Here is our seed update for this week! March is just around the corner?!

Shown in Photo- Delosperma cooperi

83.78- Copiapoa cinerea ssp. columna-alba  KK611 (10s and 20s)

84.272- Copiapoa dealbata PV2385

84.8- Copiapoa haseltoniana ‘gigantea’ KK614 

85.7- Copiapoa hypogaea spinless cv “Lizard Skin”

85.8885- Copiapoa desertorum var. rupestris KK195

85.889- Copiapoa longistaminea

85.8892- Copiapoa cinerascens KK613

85.943- Copiapoa dealbata KK30

1176.9- Peniocereus marianus (pkts and 100s) (NEW)

1305- Weingartia mix

1311- Aloinopsis luckhoffii

1311.5- Aloinopsis luckhoffii

1320.5 Argyroderma congregatum SB2253

1321.05- Argyroderma crateriforme 

1325- Argyroderma delaetii ‘carinatum’

1394.2- Cheiridopsis purpurea SB771 

1416.46- Conophytum devium ssp stiriiferum B+H2298

1475- Delosperma cooperi

1501.5- Faucaria speciosa

1509.81 Gibbaeum cryptopodium

1511.2- Gibbaeum gibbosum SB640

1522.7- Hereroa incurva

1541.99- Lithops aucampiae 

1546.8- Lithops aucampiae ssp. aucampiae v. aucampiae C366

1616.54- Lithops hookeri v marginata C137

1708.31- Lithops salicola C321

1888.39- Agave colorata

1892.9- Agave neomexicana

1901.601- Agave zebra

1942.75- Fouquieria splendens  “Ocotillo” 

4193 Fockea edulis

Delosperma cooperi mesemb shown flowering

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Seed Update for 2/10/2024

Happy weekend all!! We have had a burst of snow this morning! We are looking forward to spring!

Here is our seed update for this weekend!

108.3- Coryphantha kracikii KKR338 (NEW)

495.5 Gymnocalycium pflanzii var. zegarrae

495.96- Gymnocalycium mix (100s)

524.3- Lobivia aurea v leucomalla- Shown in Photo

570- Mammillaria blossfeldiana

685- Mammillaria haageana v schmollii SB681 (Pkts and 100s)- Shown in Photo

688.73- Mammillaria heyderi JRT4181

822- Mammillaria pachycylindrica

849.5- Cochemiea ‘Mammillaria’ pond

850.51- Cochemiea ‘Mammillaria’ poselgeri SB1245 

858.51- Mammillaria prolifera v haitiensis

968.17- Matucana aureiflora KK777 

970.25- Matucana haynei `huarinensis’ KK1450 

970.61- Matucana madisoniorum KK456 

975- Melocactus ernestii

983.4- Melocactus peruvianus

1030.046- Eriosyce ‘Neoporteria’ taltalensis ‘cachytaensis’ ssp paucicostata 

1030.75- Neoporteria curvispina v andicola (100s)

1031.2942- Neoporteria jussieui KK2

1037.12- Neoporteria pulchella KK604

1038.42- Neoporteria villosa KK1603

1126.5- Parodia carrerana KK1130

1185.8- Pyrrhocactus bulbocalyx

1187.57- Pyrrhocactus strausianus DJF337 

1219.4- Sclerocactus glaucus DJF1185.7

1219.66- Sclerocactus cloveriae RP186

1262.915- Thelocactus conothele CSD109

1264.2- Thelocactus conothele v argenteus SB1862

1266.5- Thelocactus hastifer (100s)

1270.3- Thelocactus hexaedrophorus SB1075 

1279.5- Thelocactus mix

1288.77- Kadenicarpus ‘Turbinicarpus’ pseudomacrochele ssp. minimus, FO259

1290.3- Turbinicarpus lophophoroides SB1276

1291.7- Turbinicarpus pailanus SB1970

1294.2- Turbinicarpus pseudomacrochele 

1295.65- Turbinicarpus roseiflorus (hybrid)

1299.82- Turbinicarpus swobodae HO16 

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New Video to Mesa Garden Mama Chanel!!

We have a new video up to the Mesa Garden Mama Chanel today!

Did you know that we have 2 chanels on YouTube?!! One is primarily plants and things that pertain to the Nursery side of our life. The Mesa Garden Mama Chanel is more about our life here and things that may no primarily be just plants. Of Course you will see plants but also get a glimps into our every day lives. Today we encounter a few of the creatures we meet mostlt in the Spring and Summer here in the desert of New Mexico. We had a Friendly Hognose that was on the property most of the summer. We also often see whiptales every year.