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Seed update 1/25/2025

Happy Weekend All! Here’s our seed list update for this week. We survived a week of single digit temps almost every night??!?! We are more than ready for some warmer weather now.  But we are excited to have some NEW items on the list for this week!

Shown in Photo: Coryphantha schwarziana

83.78- Copiapoa cinerea ssp. columna-alba  KK611 (10s and 20s)

87.45- Coryphantha bumamma (NEW)

127- Coryphantha recurvata SB719  (pkts and 100s)

135.42- Coryphantha schwarziana (NEW)

170- Echinocactus horizonthalonius

177.12- Echinocactus polycephalus (NEW)

177.4- Echinocactus texensis SB261/SNL88

179.94- Echinocereus adustus L646 (pkts, 100s and 500)

183.65- Echinocereus brandegeei SB1870 

190.62- Echinocereus chloranthus v cylindricus SB258 (Pkts and 100s)

191.202- Echinocereus cinerascens SB702 (Pkts, 100s, 500)

191.37- Echinocereus pectinatus v wenigeri ‘ctenoides’ L704

191.38- Echinocereus dasyacanthus RP154

194.42- Echinocereus relictus ‘engelmannii v chrysocentrus’ RP75

250.84- Echinocereus coccineus dasyacanthus hybrid (pkts, 100s,500s)

255.7- Echinocereus russanthus v canus GL538 

258.28- Echinocereus stramineus SB354

261.2- Echinocereus triglochidiatus RP114

283.64- Echinocereus viridiflorus DJF1673 (pkts and 100s)

298.54- Stenocactus crispatus ‘dichroacanthus’ N86.025

299.14- Stenocactus phyllacanthus cv Grandicornus SB437 (pkts and 100s)

350.02- Echinopsis shaferi

353- Epithelantha micromeris

355- Epithelantha micromeris SB63 

725.1- Mammillaria lasiacantha SB1063

1086.78- Opuntia basilaris var. brachyclada (NEW) (Pkts and 100s)

1147.7- Pediocactus bradyi SB470

1149- Pediocactus paradinei SB502

1151.8- Pediocactus peeblesianus var. fickeisenii, (NEW)

1154.121- Pediocactus simpsonii RP181

1250.279- Tephrocactus alexanderi v geometricus DJF319

1280.2- Sclerocactus ‘Toumeya’ papyracantha  RP50 

Coryphantha schwarziana cactus shown flowering