Happy Weekend All!! Here is our seed update for this week! We have had quite the week here. Our first major illness for winter landed and we are still in recovery mode! And our first Major snow storm in almost 2 years arrived Wednesday. More than 50,000 people lost power here in our valley from Albuquerque to people 20 miles south of us. It took almost 48 hrs for some to get their power back. We luckily only lost power for about 12 hrs. In all our 40+ years of living here this has never happened. But we are on the mend and plants are tucked in and warm.
Shown in Photo: 1430.36- Conophytum X marnierianum CR1422 (NEW)
83.78- Copiapoa cinerea ssp. columna-alba KK611
84.428- Copiapoa echinoides
85.7192- Copiapoa minuta KK601
85.85- Copiapoa taltalensis
85.98- Copiapoa coquimbana var. wagenknechtii KK58
1179.35- Pterocactus megliolii
1286.5- Turbinicarpus jauernigii
1316.1- Aloinopsis schooneesii (Pkts and 100s)
1410.9505- Conophytum bilobum SB2422 (NEW)
1410.963- Conophytum bilobum
1410.965- Conophytum bilobum SB2224
1411.5- Conophytum bilobum RR1136
1412.6- Conophytum calculus
1425.69- Conophytum hanae
1430.36- Conophytum X marnierianum CR1422 (NEW)
1432.1- Conophytum bilobum var. muscosipapillatum
1439.6- Conophytum pageae
1439.8- Conophytum pageae SB2375 (NEW)
1452.32- Conophytum bilobum ‘simplum’ SB1121
1471.2- Conophytum wettsteinii RR430
1808.2- Conophytum verrucosum w Kouberg (NEW) (Pkts and 100s)
1808.4- Conophytum verrucosum EH980 (NEW) (Pkts and 100s)
1809.1- Conophytum verrucosum SAUER86
1810.1- Conophytum friedrichiae SH474
1810.21- Conophytum caroli ‘australe’ SH1202 (NEW) (pkts and 100s)
1810.23- Conophytum praesectum (NEW)
1810.25- Conophytum longum SB2411
1810.26- Conophytum lydiae (NEW)
1810.31- Conophytum limpidum LAV27636 (NEW)
1810.311- Conophytum lydiae SH1348 (NEW)